React Js Form Validation and Conditional Select Example
React Js Form Validation and Conditional Select Example
React Js Form Validation and Conditional Select Example
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<div id="container" class="ui two column centered grid"> <div class="column"> <h1 class="ui dividing header">React Form</h1> <div id="content"></div> </div> </div> |
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#container { margin-top: 6em; } |
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const Dropdown = semanticUIReact.Dropdown; const SemanticForm = semanticUIReact.Form; const SemanticButton = semanticUIReact.Button; const COURSES = {core: ["javascripting","git-it","Scope Chains & Closures","Elementary Electron","learnyounode","How to npm","stream-adventure","how-to-markdown"], electives: [ "Functional Javascript", "Level Me Up Scotty!", "ExpressWorks", "Make Me Hapi", "Promise It Won't Hurt", "Async You", "NodeBot Workshop", "Going Native", "Planet Proto", "WebGL Workshop", "ESNext Generation", "Test Anything", "Tower of babel", "learnyoumongo", "regex-adventure", "learn-sass", "Pattern Lab Workshop", "learnyoubash", "Currying in JavaScript", "Shader School", "Bytewiser", "Bug Clinic", "Browserify Adventure", "Intro to WebGL", "Count to 6", "Kick off Koa", "LololoDash", "learnyoucouchdb", "learnuv", "Learn Generators", "learnyoureact", "perfschool", "Web Audio School", "torrential", "Thinking in React", "Post-mortem debugging", "Seneca in practice", "LESS is more" ],}; class Form extends React.Component { state = { people: [{name:'potato', email:'', department:'core', course:'javascripting'}], fields: { name: '', email: '', department: null, course: null, }, fieldErrors: {}, }; onInputChange = ({name, value, error}) => { const fields = this.state.fields; const fieldErrors = this.state.fieldErrors; fields[name] = value; fieldErrors[name] = error; this.setState({ fields, fieldErrors }); }; onFormSubmit = evt => { const people = [ ...this.state.people ]; const person = this.state.fields; evt.preventDefault(); // prevents page from reloading on submit if (this.validate()) return; this.setState({ people: people.concat(person), fields: { name: '', email: '', }, }); }; validate = () => { // Checks data is valid at form level // To pass this check neither field can be empty and they must pass field level validation const person = this.state.fields; const fieldErrors = this.state.fieldErrors; const errMessages = Object.keys(fieldErrors).filter(k => fieldErrors[k]); if (! return true; if (! return true; if (!person.course) return true; if (!person.department) return true; if (errMessages.length) return true; return false; }; render() { return ( <div> <h2 className="ui header">Sign Up Sheet</h2> <SemanticForm onSubmit={this.onFormSubmit}> <Field name="name" onChange={this.onInputChange} placeholder="Name" value={} validate={val => val ? false : 'Name Required'} /> <Field name="email" onChange={this.onInputChange} placeholder="Email" value={} validate={val => validator.isEmail(val) ? false : 'Invalid Email'} /> <CourseSelect onChange={this.onInputChange} department={this.state.fields.department} course={this.state.fields.course} /> <br /> <SemanticButton type="submit" disabled={this.validate()}>Submit Form</SemanticButton> </SemanticForm> <hr /> <h3>People</h3> <div className="ui list"> {,i) => (<li className="item" key={'person-'+i}><i className="user icon"></i>{} - {} - {person.department} - {person.course}</li>) )} </div> </div> ); } } class Field extends React.Component { static propTypes = { placeholder: PropTypes.string, name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, value: PropTypes.string, validate: PropTypes.func, onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; state = { value: this.props.value, error: false, }; componentWillReceiveProps(update) { // This is needed because the value prop is set to state (not just passed through) // The state won't automatically update from the prop after it has been initially set this.setState({ value: update.value }); }; onChange = evt => { const name =; const value =; const error = this.props.validate ? this.props.validate(value) : false; this.setState({value, error}); this.props.onChange({name, value, error}); }; render() { return ( <div className="field"> <label>{this.props.placeholder}</label> <input placeholder={this.props.placeholder} value={this.state.value} onChange={this.onChange} /> {this.state.error && <div className="ui visible warning message">{this.state.error}</div>} </div> ); }; } class CourseSelect extends React.Component { static propTypes = { department: PropTypes.string, course: PropTypes.string, onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; state = { department: null, course: null, courses: [], _loading: false, }; componentWillReceiveProps(update) { this.setState({ department: update.department, course: update.course, }); } onDepartmentSelect = (evt, data) => { const department = data.value; const course = null; const courses = COURSES[department] || []; this.setState({ department, course, courses }); this.props.onChange({name: 'department', value: department}); this.props.onChange({name: 'course', value: course}); }; onCourseSelect = (evt, data) => { const course = data.value; this.setState({ course }); this.props.onChange({name: 'course', value: course}); } renderDepartmentSelect = () => { const departmentOptions = [ {text: "", value: ""}, {text: "NodeSchool: Core", value: "core"}, {text: "NodeSchool: Electives", value: "electives"}, ] return ( <div className="field"> <label>Department</label> <Dropdown placeholder="Which department?" fluid={true} selection={true} options={departmentOptions} value={this.state.department || ''} onChange={this.onDepartmentSelect} /> </div> ); }; renderCourseSelect = () => { const courseOptions = [{text:'', value: ''},] .concat( => { return {value: courseOption, text: courseOption,}; })); return ( <div className="field" hidden={!}> <label>Course</label> <Dropdown placeholder="Which course?" fluid={true} selection={true} options={courseOptions} value={this.state.course || ''} onChange={this.onCourseSelect} /> </div> ); // return (<div></div>); }; render() { return ( <div> {this.renderDepartmentSelect()} {this.renderCourseSelect()} </div> ); } } ReactDOM.render( <Form />, document.getElementById('content') ); |
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