ReactJs simple and reusable Datepicker component with Persian Jalali Calendar Support

ReactJs / ReactJs DatePicker

ReactJs simple and reusable Datepicker component with Persian Jalali Calendar Support

ReactJs simple and reusable Datepicker component with Persian Jalali Calendar Support

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A simple and reusable Datepicker component for React (with persian jalali calendar support) Demo.

This package uses react-persian-datepicker project under the hood.


The package can be installed via NPM:

At this point you can import react-datepicker2 and its styles in your application as follows:

Below is a simple example on how to use the Datepicker in a React view.


The most basic use of the DatePicker can be described with:

Local Development

The master branch contains the latest version of the Datepicker2 component. To start your example app, you can run npm install then npm start. This starts a simple webserver on http://localhost:8080.


  •  Write some tests
  •  Improve documentation
  •  Remove css loading dependency
  •  UI improvements
  •  Adding new highlight feature
  •  Adding new year picker feature
  •  Adding typescript support
  •  Adding new rangepicker feature

Built With

  • moment-jalaali – A Jalaali (Jalali, Persian, Khorshidi, Shamsi) calendar system plugin for moment.js.


Special thanks to @mohebifar for his open-source project which this component is based on.


Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited. I’d be happy to accept PRs for that.


Copyright (c) 2016 mberneti Inc. and individual contributors. Licensed under MIT license, see LICENSE for the full license.



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